Envantage specialises in helping energy-intensive industries to buy and use energy in the most cost effective way.
We can ensure that you secure any valuable billing discounts to which you are entitled.
What’s more, our full-service team of energy and carbon consultants can advise on how to meet your regulatory obligations in a way that aligns with your net zero goals.
Understanding and controlling costs are vital elements of any successful business. Our experts have a deep understanding of how the energy markets work and can pinpoint the right strategy to help you maximise potential savings. We will work with you to control cost volatility over time, supporting your long-term commercial decision making.
We can help you with:
Energy Procurement Risk Management | Fixed Price Energy Contracts | Flexible Energy Purchasing | Bill Validation | Tariff Analysis | Cost Recovery | Metering & Connections Services
Compensation Schemes
Major energy users cannot afford to miss out on key savings from compensation schemes such as Energy Intensive Industry discounts (EII), climate change agreements (CCA), and the Min-Met CCL Exemption Scheme. Our experts are adept at securing qualification for these schemes – often where others have said it isn’t possible.
We can help you with:
Exemptions for Energy Intensive Industries (EII) | Climate Change Agreements (CCA) | Min-Met CCL Exemption Scheme
Carbon & energy
Targeted change and effective control are the principles that underpin any successful low-carbon strategy. Our specialist consultants can help you to identify the specific changes you can make in your organisation to reduce carbon, as well as the controls you will need to implement to optimise energy usage.
We can help you with:
Net Zero | Carbon Neutrality | Greenhouse Gas Quantification | Energy Audits | ISO Energy Management Standards | CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) | Monitoring & Targeting | EnCO™ Accredited Training
The notion of compliance immediately conjures up the sense of being forced to do something. However, when it comes to energy compliance, the benefits far outweigh the administrative burden. Our expert consultants will help you to distinguish the mandatory from the voluntary schemes, identifying the best options for your organisation and shaping an approach that will help you to save costs and carbon.
We can help you with:
Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) | Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) | Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) | Climate Change Agreements | Min-Met CCL Exemption Scheme | UK / EU Emissions Trading Scheme
Net Zero
Targeted change and effective control are the principles that underpin any successful low-carbon strategy. Our specialist consultants can help you to identify the specific changes you can make in your organisation to reduce carbon, as well as the controls you will need to implement to optimise energy usage.
We can help you with:
Net Zero | Carbon Neutrality | Greenhouse Gas Quantification | Energy Audits | ISO Energy Management Standards | Carbon Disclosure Project | ENMAT Advisor | EnCO™ Accredited Training
saved in discounts for Energy Intensive Industries GWh/y of managed Climate Change Agreements of energy savings identified for our (very) happy customers

We work with manufacturing and industrial processing businesses.
As high energy users, the financial burden of energy prices weighs heaviest for these companies, and we understand the pressure and risk this adds to ever-tightening margins.
We’re here to help manage and mitigate that risk.
From paper and plastics to dairy and food production, our carbon and energy consultants are highly experienced in navigating the specific energy and carbon challenges facing energy-intensive businesses like yours.
With a keen strategic focus, Envantage began by helping Plastek to better understand its place within the global supply chain, how its behaviours affect carbon emissions and where there is most potential for improvement.
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