We think of compensation schemes as the ‘carrot’ approach to incentivising low-carbon behaviours. As well as the financial benefits from the tax relief these schemes offer, they provide a framework for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions – helping you to drive down costs and meet your environmental obligations. The only hurdle to acquiring these benefits is whether or not your business qualifies. That’s where we can help.

A proven track record in delivering maximum savings
Major energy users cannot afford to miss out on key savings from compensation schemes such as Energy Intensive Industry discounts (EII), Climate Change Agreements (CCA), and the Min-Met CCL Exemption Scheme.
That is where our experienced team excels – helping you to navigate the complexities of the various schemes, and ensuring your organisation receives the maximum returns available. Our experts are adept at securing qualification for these schemes – often where others have said it isn’t possible.
Get in touch for a chat with one of our carbon expertsH.I. Quality Steel Castings
Envantage carried out eligibility assessments, data management, calculations and all of the reporting required within the compensation and exemption schemes relating to the Renewables Obligation (RO) and Feed-In Tariff (FIT) charges, under the Electricity Market Reform.
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